Tuesday 9: 09 am.



Interviewed in Portsmouth June 2008:


Different Strokes:   How old are you, where were you born and how long have you been a stroke survivor?


Di:I’m 55 years of age, born in Portsmouth; a Stroke Survivor for 11 months (9th July 2007)”. (Click on Di's pic above right, to see her in June 1973 with her young beau).


Different Strokes:   What was your occupation(s) and when?


Di: “Sales co-ordinator for 11 ½ years”


Different Strokes:   Of all your experiences, which occasion or event sticks in your mind most?


Di: “Going to Australia in 2004


Different Strokes:   What has been your proudest moment and what was the happiest occasion in your life?


Di: “Proudest moment – Getting married; Happiest occasion – Having my children Kellie and Dan.”


Different Strokes:   Since being disabled by your stroke, what do you hope the future will bring?


Di: “I hope I can keep my driving licence; it will give me much more independence.”


Different Strokes:   What is your favourite tipple when available and what do you usually prefer when out with friends?


Fi: “I used to like vodka and diet coke; these days I only drink diet coke, J2O or red wine.”


Different Strokes:   When you were active in the past, what activities did you enjoy most?


Di: “Badminton.”


Different Strokes:   Do you have any particular hobbies/activities you are still able to enjoy?


Di: “I like listening to all kinds of music; and Motown was my era.”


Different Strokes:   Which big-screen film has entertained you most; and who was the screen actor/actress you liked most?


Di: “Film: A film called The Champ – it made me and my Dad cry; Richard Gere – I loved him in Pretty Woman.”


Different Strokes:   Outside of the media of music, films and TV, whom do you admire and respect most?

Di: “My husband Rich; because he has been my rock!”


This photograph right; was taken on their Wedding Day 7th July 1979.













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